
  1. Alcaíno, Gladys: Escritura del Cuerpo, Santiago: Fondo de la Cultura y las Artes, Gobierno de Chile, 2009.
  2. Aldrich, Elizabeth: Foreword in International Encyclopedia of Dance (edited by Selma Jeanne Cohen and others). New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  3. Arbeau, Thoinot: Orchesography (translated by Mary Stewart Evans with new introduction and notes by Julia Sutton). New York: Dover, 1967.
  4. Aries, Phillipe & Duvy, Georges: Historia de la vida privada. New York: Pendragon Press, 1993. Tomo 5.
  5. Baril, Jacques: La danza moderna. Barcelona: Paidós, 1987.
  6. Barnett, Dene: The art of gesture: the practices and principles of 18 century acting. Heidelberg, 1987.
  7. Beaussant, Phillipe: Lully ou Le Musicien du Soleil. París: Gallimard/ Theatre des champs-élysées, 1992.
  8. Caroso, Marco Fabritio: Il ballarino (a fascimile of the 1581 venice edition) New York: Broude Brothers, 1967.
  9. Caroso, Marco Fabritio: Nobiltà Di Dame: a treatise on courtly dance, together with the choreography and music of 49 dances (translated from the printing of 1600, edited, and with an introduction by Julia Sutton; the music transcribed and edited by F. Marian Walker). New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  10. Caroso, Marco Fabritio: Nobilità di Dame. Bologna: Forni editore, 1970.
  11. Chazin-Bennahum, Judith: Dance in the shadow of the guillotine (foreword by Selma Jeanne Cohen). Illinois: Southern University Press, 1988.
  12. Closson, Ernest: Le Manuscrit dit des basses danses: de la Bibliotheque de Bourgogne (Introduction et Transcription Société des Bibliophiles et iconophiles de Belgique) 1912.
  13. Compan, Charles: Dictionnaire de danse (facsimile edition of the Paris, 1787) New York: Broude Brothers, 1974.
  14. Cornazano, Antonio: The Book on The Art of Dancing (Translated by Madeleine Inglehearn and Peggy Forsyth). London: Dance Books, 1981.
  15. Dolmetsch, Mabel: Dances of Spain and Italy: from 1400 to 1600. New York: Da Capo Press, 1975.
  16. Dolmetsch, Mabel: Dances of England and France : from 1450 to 1600 : with their music and authentic manner of performance. New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959.
  17. Durant, Will y Ariel: La edad de Luis XIV. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1966.
  18. Ebreo, Guglielmo: De Pratica seu Arte Tripudii. On the Art of Dancing. New York: Clarendon Press, 1993.
  19. Esses, Maurice: Dance and Intrumental Diferencias in Spain During the 17th and early 18th Centuries, vol I. Nueva York: Pendragon Press, 1990.
  20. Feuillet, Raoul-Auger: Choregraphie ou L’Art de Crire la Dance. Nueva York: Broude Brothers, 1968.
  21. Hausser, Arnold: Historial Social de la Literatura y el Arte. New Jersey: Princeton Book Company, 1981.
  22. Hilton, Wendy: Dance of Court & Theater. New Jersey: Princeton Book Company, 1981.
  23. Horst, Louis: Pre-classics dance forms. New York: Dance Horizons, 1972.
  24. Inglehearn, Madeleine: 15th century dances from Burgundy and Italy: a dance manual. London: Companie of Danseres, 1981.
  25. Jackson Naomi, Shapiro-Phim, Toni (editors): Dance Human Rights and social justice: Dignity in motion. Maryland: Scarecrowpress, 2008.
  26. Jara(Turner) Joan: Victor, un canto inconcluso. Santiago: LOM, 2007.
  27. Lancelot, Francine: La Belle Dance. Paris: Van Dieren, 1996.
  28. Le breton, David: Cuerpo sensible. Santiago: Metales Pesados, 2010.
  29. López Cano, Rubén: Música y Retórica en el Barroco. México: Universidad Nacional de México, 2000.
  30. Matluck Brooks, Lynn (editor): Women´s Work: making dance in Europe before 1800. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2007.
  31. Maurois, Andre: Historia de Inglaterra. Barcelona: Blume, 1963.
  32. Modgrédien, Georges: Luis XIV, El memorial de los Siglos. Barcelona-México: Grijalbo, 1971.
  33. Mountfield, David: Everyday life in Elizabethan England. Barcelona: Minerva, 1978.
  34. Negri, Cesare: Le gratie d'amore (a fascimile of the Milan 1602). New York: Broude Brothers, 1969. (reimpresión del original en italiano).
  35. Noverre, Jean-Georges: Lettres sur la danse et sur les ballets (a fascimile of the 1760 Stuttgart edition). New York: Broude Brothers, 1967.
  36. Rameau, Pierre: The Dancing Master. Dancing-Master to the Pages of Her Catholic Majesty the Queen of Spain. (Translated by Cyril W. Beaumont From the Original Edition Published at Paris, 1725). USA: A Dance Horizons Republication. 1970.
  37. Rousset, Jean: Circe y el Pavo Real. Barcelona: Seix Barral S.A, 1972.
  38. Schwartz, Judith and Schlundt, Christena L.: French Court Dance an Dance Music. New York: Pendragon Press, 1987.
  39. Smith, A. William (tr.): Fifteenth-century dance and music (twelve transcribed Italian treatises and collections in the tradition of Domenico da Piacenza). Dance and music series Nº 4. New York: Pendragon Press, 1995. Dos volúmenes.
  40. Thomas, Bernard; Gingell, Jane: The Renaissance Dance Book. London: Pro Musica, 1987. Dos volúmenes.
  41. Toman, Rolf: El Barroco, Arquitectura. Escultura. Pintura. Alemania: Könemman, 1997.
  42. Toulouze, Michel: L´Art et instruction de bien danser. (Facsimile edition of the Orly recorded copy with a Bibliographical and note by Victor Scholderer). London: The Royal College of Physicians of London 1971.
  43. Wood, Melusine: Historical dances: 12th to 19th Century, Their manner of performance and their place in the social life of the time. London: The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Incorporated, 1964.